A downloadable game


This game is temporarely suspended due to my inability to come up with ideas. I will be working on other projects in the meanwhile, and will be writing down ideas that come up to my mind while working.

This morning I was chilling during class and I thought: what if I made a game where gun go pew pew and monster go argh me dead and where you grab gadgets and go through 150 rooms and don't die because if you die you're a loser? Surely this game hasn't already been developed by Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl, right?

Inspired by The Binding of Isaac, Enter The Gungeon and Rogue, I present to you:


RogueDash is a Roguelike top-down shooter in which you go through 150 rooms collecting gadgets and slaying monsters, while making your way up to the final boss. It basically works like this: You start at the spawnpoint and choose a door to go through. You keep choosing doors and killing enemies until you arrive to room 10, where you're met with a choice of 3 medals who all grant you different abilities.

+ = stackable | if you already have this gadget active, they will be added to your current amount.

* = one-time use | once you use this gadget, it becomes unavailable until you start a new run. think it like Kurt Cobain said, "Use just once and destroy" (Radio Friendly Unit Shifter)

; = all run long | gadgets with this tag will remove future selections to ensure an alternate style of playing.

  • "Doubled Up": Doubles the amount of damage inflicted to enemies.
  • + "Oh, baby, a triple!": For every bullet, 2 more will spawn in angular directions.
  • "Thunder": Clicking Mouse Right Click will shoot a stun bullet, which will stun enemies for 5.6 seconds.
  • * "In love <3": Doubles the maximum amount of health from 5 to 10. Once you go back to 5, the gadget is lost. This gadget is either found during runs as a one-time use gadget, or is accessible through an assist mode menu as an all run long gadget.
  • + "Dash": You move 10% faster. That's it. Stackable until 30% (or for those of you who don't know maths, stackable for 3 times).
  • ; "Ouchie... but..." This gadget will grant you double damage, stun ammos, 2 more bullets and 10% more speed at the low cost of depleting your health and locking the maximum to 1, effectively rendering you one-shot! Not reccommended for less skilled players. Removes future gadget selections. Either found during runs as a one-time use and all run long gadget, or accessed through the assist mode menu.
  • * "Overdo it": OMG another Nirvana reference in my Christian Roguelike game? After selecting this gadget you are granted a second life, just in case your health depletes to zero. Usable only once during a run.

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